Joining the Group

I am looking for graduate students with interests related to imaging, optics, signal processing, and machine learning to join my group. I’m working to build up a friendly and collaborative group doing high-impact research in these areas!

Current research areas include the following:

Graduate Students
If you would like to join the group as a Master’s or PhD student, you can apply directly to the CS department. The site will open for applications in early October. You should list me by name in your application and explain how our research interests are aligned. Please also complete this Google form to ensure I see your application.

If you’d like more information about doing a PhD in Canada, here is a nice article written by Towaki Takikawa, a current student in the department.

Undergraduate Students
I am looking for highly motivated undergraduate students who are (1) interested in research, (2) currently enrolled at the University of Toronto, and (3) hoping to pursue graduate research after their undergraduate program. The best way to reach me is to fill out this Google form.

Postdoc Positions
It’s helpful if you have a good track record of publishing in computational imaging, vision, or graphics. You should also be willing to apply for (or have obtained) a postdoc fellowship (I will also help you apply).

If you believe we are a good fit, reach out via email with your CV, top publications, and a 1-2 year research agenda.

For any questions that do not fall into the above category you can reach me at the below address. Please include “TCIG-Lindell” in the subject line.
Email: lindell at cs dot toronto dot edu